Let’s talk about soil – Reden wir über den Boden

Let’s Talk About Soil – German from IASS Vimeo Channel on Vimeo

This animated film tells the reality of soil resources around the world, covering the issues of degradation, urbanization, land grabbing and overexploitation; the film offers options to make the way we manage our soils more sustainable.

For more information visit www.globalsoilweek.org

Director: Uli Henrik Streckenbach (www.uhsless.de)
Design: Uli Henrik Streckenbach, Ronny Schmidt (www.roschroom.com)
Modelling: Ronny Schmidt, Uli Henrik Streckenbach
Character Rigging: Maik Lochmann
Animation: Uli Henrik Streckenbach, Ronny Schmidt
Scarecrow Artist: Andrea Abendroth
Concept: Uli Henrik Streckenbach

Music and Sound Design: Marcus Illgenstein (www.illgenstein.de)
German Voice: Hilmar Eichhorn
Voice-over Recording Engineer: Sebastian Heyser
Foley Artist: Martin Langenbach, Metrix Media
Foley Recording Engineer: Christoph Wieczorek, Metrix Media

Foleys recorded at Metrix Media.
Voice-over recorded at VSI Verlin.

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